

Establishing a Bachelor of Arts in Music

Plato“ 我会教孩子们音乐、物理和哲学,但最重要的是音乐, for the patterns in music and all the arts are keys to learning. Music gives a soul 对宇宙,对心灵的翅膀,对想象的飞翔,对一切的生命. ”- Plato

作为一流的文理学院,云顶集团很高兴地宣布 计划设立音乐文学学士学位,这是合理的 Core curriculum. The University of Dallas is in the center of cultural activity in 达拉斯/沃斯堡地区,以其典范而闻名于美国各地 liberal arts curriculum. Despite the essential importance of music in both culture 在文科方面,特拉华大学自20世纪70年代以来一直缺少正式的音乐专业. The re-establishment of the undergraduate B.A. in music will help UD attract students who might otherwise go elsewhere for musical education. Prospective students make inquiries to UD’s Music 系每年都表示他们希望参加特拉华大学,因为它的优秀 reputation as an excellent Catholic liberal arts institution. Ultimately, the majority 这些学生中有一部分进入其他大学攻读音乐学位.

Our Current Program

云顶集团目前提供音乐专业和圣乐专业 concentration. The Music Department is an important part of the cultural life of the 并提供各种各样的表演,包括学生,教师和嘉宾 artists. 钢琴、声乐、小提琴和大提琴的应用课程,以及学术课程 在音乐史,音乐理论和作曲在秋季和春季提供 semesters. 此外,学生还可以获得定期的表演机会,包括 每月和学期的工作室独奏会,抒情戏剧作品,礼拜仪式和校园 visit weekends.

The New Program

设立音乐文学学士学位将进一步丰富文化生活 校园和更大的DFW社区,并将加强特拉华大学的承诺 outstanding Core liberal arts education. This degree will provide students with the 有机会沉浸在音乐语言中,培养一种环境 优秀的艺术,学生发展他们的技术技能,同时 growing musically. The university’s music and sacred music concentrations have already established a strong foundation. The B.A. in Music will build upon these long-standing 提供音乐教育和节目的机会 丰富了特拉华大学学生、教职员工和整个大学的生活 community for decades.

有了新的音乐专业,表演的机会将会增加,并使学生, 教职员工和客座艺术家在特拉华大学欧文校区分享他们的才华 with the greater Dallas/Fort Worth music communities.
特拉华大学课程委员会和教务委员会已经批准了学位计划 conditionally approved the program, dependent upon funding. Accreditation by the Southern 学院和学校协会(SACS)刚刚批准了这个专业. Ultimately, accreditation by NASM will be sought.

How Your Gift Will Help

The B.A. 在音乐是取决于获得必要的资金来帮助支持 the first two years of the program’s operation. In order to support the existing program 并支持更强大的音乐课程,特拉华大学需要增加音乐师资 增加工作人员和加强设备,并提供更多奖学金 to its students.

Support the musical arts at UD by helping establish a B.A. in Music. Your generous 支持将允许学生追求他们对音乐的热爱,同时仍然得到一个 world-class liberal arts education.

Give Today

Student’s Testimonial

Andrew Gochuico said:
“在我在特拉华大学修过的所有课程中,我可以诚实地说,我最喜欢的课程 were those required for my music concentration. In these courses I had the opportunity 了解不同的作曲家和音乐时代,我也获得了听觉技能 that helped me become a better musician. I was exposed to different genres of music 我自己可能永远不会听的音乐,比如爵士乐和歌剧 在教室里听录音和看视频,或者参加音乐会 on campus and performances at the Dallas Opera. I'll never forget doing weekly rhythm and interval dictation exercises with Mr. Higgins in Music Theory, or watching excerpts of Wagner's The Ring Cycle with Ms. Van Cleve in History of Opera. Another great part 这些音乐课程的意义在于通过学生的展示来发现新的音乐. 在歌剧历史上,我们有机会展示我们选择的歌剧,在音乐上 在第二次西方世界大战中,我们被鼓励介绍一位不太 well known. These presentations were not only fun to give and listen to, but also helped me improve my research and public speaking skills. Furthermore, the music professors 特拉华大学的学生都是专业的音乐家,他们活跃在DFW地区,拥有大量的财富 of knowledge and experience. They genuinely love sharing their passion for music with 他们希望他们的学生在课堂上和生活中都取得成功. 选择专注于音乐是我做过的最好的决定之一 我非常高兴地听到,未来的特拉华大学学生终于可以 获得音乐学士学位,并能在最先进的舞台上表演 auditorium. I hope you consider donating to such an amazing program."